How the Growth Process Works 

Four steps to bridge the gap between research and reality


The first step in the Growth process is all about connection.

We take the time to get to know you, your organization, and your staff. We dive deeply into your team’s mission and goals to identify what’s getting in the way of achieving them. Through a blend of qualitative and quantitative analyses, we aim to comprehensively understand your needs for enhancing childhood environments. We employ tools like the TPOT and CLASS, individual and group discussions, and motivational interviewing, to craft a detailed understanding that guides our tailored support and interventions.

Growing Years, a non-profit early learning center led by dedicated director Anna, was experiencing high teacher turnover and behavior struggles in their toddler and preschool classrooms. New staff and persistent classroom challenges called for a new strategy to support positive behavior, strengthen staff morale and preparedness, and enhance classroom management. The center needed to address challenging behaviors and establish structured, responsive practices in multiple classrooms, all while stabilizing the teaching team.

Case study


Next, we start putting it into practice!

Now we get to let your team go to work! With on-going observation, coaching, and communication, your Growth coach is always at hand for problem-solving, re-evaluation, and refinement of your team’s plans. We emphasize flexibility and adaptability, recognizing the dynamic nature of educational environments. We use principles of adult learning and proven methods such as Behavioral Skills Training (Miltenberger, 2012) to ensure your team is well-equipped to integrate new evidence-based strategies effectively, maintaining consistency and adaptability in the face of change.

We collaborated closely with Anna and her assistant director, Sam, to develop center-wide recommendations to promote consistency and teamsmanship. We also developed a series of tailored recommendations for each classroom based on our structured observations and teacher interviews. Our team coached the teachers on new techniques to support their entire classroom and targeted behavior support plans for individual students. We also designed new visual aids and instructional materials, focusing on fostering an environment conducive to learning and growth.

Case study


Now we watch and work together to make sure everyone is moving in the right direction!

Ensuring your team's growth is both sustainable and impactful, we remain by your side, bolstering your staff's confidence and autonomy with their newly acquired skills. Should fresh challenges emerge, our data-driven support, encouragement, and collaborative problem-solving are always close at hand. Our approach leverages practice-based coaching (Snyder et al., 2022) and self-monitoring, evaluation, and reflection to foster ongoing learning, development, and adaptability. This stage is about reinforcing skills and establishing a solid transition plan, engaging both teachers and administrators to ensure lasting success!

As the Growing Years teachers became more confident and competent in their classrooms, we slowly lessened our observations and coaching sessions. Teachers collected their own data and evaluated their - and their students’ - progress. Collaboratively, we fine-tuned classroom management techniques and behavior support plans to more closely fit their needs and align with the center’s short- and long-term goals.

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Finally, we step back and watch you shine!

In this final phase, we gradually reduce our support and communication, guiding your team toward confident, independent operation. By following this research-supported process together, we collaboratively encourage lasting behavior change and positive outcomes for students, families, and staff! While we step back, we remain ready to offer re-evaluation and address any new challenges, underscoring our commitment as your lifelong behavioral support partner.

Post-intervention, teachers at Growing Years reported feeling more confident and equipped to encourage positive behavior and manage challenges effectively. The classrooms transformed into well-structured spaces where both teachers and children thrived. As a result, the center saw an improvement in teacher retention and classroom dynamics, laying a strong foundation for sustained success. Anna’s initiative to seek expert guidance helped her to cultivate an environment where educators felt supported, and young learners were given the best conditions to grow.

Case study

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